
HOME Terms

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Each Car Dealer 5 website is payable annually at £450+ VAT, £770+ VAT or £1050+ VAT depending upon the package required and is payable in advance. If paying via direct debit then the respective amounts are £40+ VAT, £70+ VAT or £100+ VAT per month. The annual payments cover our setup and running costs for your Car Dealer 5 website for 12 months and offer a one month discount.

Any extras are charged accordingly such as

Additional domains
Image overlay *
Image Editor *

* These optional extras are free with Symphony based packages.

When you have paid for your Car Dealer 5 website, Car Dealer 5 will purchase your domain name as part of this cost (or add DNS entries to the Car Dealer 5 server so your existing domain can be pointed to your new Car Dealer 5 website).

Car Dealer 5 will also supply you with one or more email addresses should you wish to use them with instructions on how to implement the email to your devices. A webmail interface will also be supplied as part of the package.

By paying annually for a Car Dealer 5 website you agree to pay in advance for an agreed term of 12 months which is non-refundable. Our system works only on our servers and is not open for development by any 3rd parties. Car Dealer 5 will maintain your website, the feeds to advertisers, web hosting of your website, domain name (if registered through Car Dealer 5) and your email.

Car Dealer 5 cannot be held responsible for any downtime of your website due to hacking or penetration attempts. Car Dealer 5 cannot be held responsable for the security of your administration panel. We use one-way encryption for dealer passwords which only dealers know. It is the dealers responsability to keep these safe and their account secure. Car Dealer 5 take every measure to keep the administration area secure. If a breach is detected, all passwords will be changed immediately and new passwords issued over the phone or via text.

Car Dealer 5 cannot be held responsible for search engine placement. A new domain name will on average take from 4-6 weeks to simply appear in the search engine results pages (SERPS). By adding stock on a regular basis to your website will help search engines trust your site and push it further up the SERPS. If you are transferring a domain to us then usually your SERPS placement will remain the same or improve! But remember - we don't make the rules of where you sit in the SERPS - the search engines do and Car Dealer 5 are under no obligation to place you anywhere.


We do not offer a "cooling off period" as the fees charged are for the setup of your website. Therefore once paid for you cannot cancel your order and a refund will not be issued.

Should you wish to switch provider or transfer your services elsewhere within the 12 month period you are free to do so, however a refund for the difference will not be given.

Delivery Time

Once your Car Dealer 5 website has been paid for, the setup process is extremely fast. We can setup a new Responsive package within a few hours.

If you are transferring a .com domain to Car Dealer 5 then it's recommended that your nameservers are changed prior to the move, this will cause a more seamless transfer.


Due to code changes / upgrades / updates, Car Dealer 5 cannot be held responsible for any loss of service, site malfunction or downtime. Any ugrades and updates are path of the course to improvement and need to be implemented, however Car Dealer 5 maintain a very high degree of uptime. It is the clients responsibility to report any errors to Car Dealer 5 which will usually be dealt with within two working days.


We do not share the data you provide us for quotations, we simply use this data to follow up the quotation and contact yourself using the phone number / email address you provide. If you want us to remove your data from our system please email us on sales@cardealer5.co.uk.

All servers / data are backed up daily

The data that you add to your own admin area is fully controllable by yourself. Once your contract period has expired with Car Dealer 5 we delete your website data. Invoice data is stored for accounting reasons only.

By adding your company details to our system, you agree that these details are viewable on your Car Dealer 5 website and they can be amended / removed at any time. Should you wish to close your account, please contact us and we will remove your account and it's data.

We are your data processor and give you the ability to store certain customer information in your Car Dealer 5 administration area.

This information may consist of

Customer Testimonials - These can be amended / removed at any time by yourself.
Customer Finance Application Data - Car Dealer 5 do not share or use this data in any way. We simply store this information for you to use. This information is encrypted. Only you can see this information and Car Dealer 5 can see this information. Car Dealer 5 need to be able to see this information to evaluate any errors in the Car Dealer 5 code on our website to ensure a fluid and safe system for yourself.

With feeds to 3rd-party advertisers
Fully Integrated Finance Solutions
We work hand in hand with the industry leaders in finance solutions providing integrations to your website that take minutes to activate.

Due to the close relationships we have with our partners we can offer exclusive signup discounts.

2165 Dealers
Car Dealer 5 Limited
1 The Granary
Central Buildings
High Street
Car Dealer 5 Limited
1 The Granary, Central Buildings
High Street, Wombourne, WV5 9DN
Select one of our monthly packages
No Setup Fee
No Setup Fee
Responsive Plus
No Setup Fee
Symphony Lite
£100+VAT Setup Fee